1. Every owner or occupier of land shall provide vehicular access to the site for parking and loading over the site by provision of a vehicle crossing constructed from the carriageway of the road or service lane to the boundary of the site.
2. Vehicular access shall be designed, constructed and maintained to ensure that they are able to be used in all weather conditions; stormwater and detritus do not migrate onto the road; and are suitable for the volume and weight of traffic likely to use the access.
3. Where vehicular access to the rear of a commercial or industrial site is possible by means of a dedication or use of a service lane, or land over which the rights-of-way are held in respect of that site, such means of access shall be provided for parking and loading spaces in preference to any new vehicular crossing over any footpath.
8.9.2 Access to a State Highway
A new property access, or the change in character, intensity and scale of the use of an existing access, to a State Highway shall be a permitted activity provided the following criteria are met:
b. No legal access is available from another road.
c. Compliance with the performance criteria given in Table 8.9.1 regarding sight distance2, clearance from intersections and minimum access spacing.
d. Vehicle crossing design and/or localised road widening is provided in accordance with Figures 8.1 (c) and (d).
If any one or more of the criteria a, b, c, d above are not able to be met, the access shall be a restricted discretionary activity with the Council's discretion restricted to access considerations specified in Appendix E.
1An equivalent car movement is defined as follows:
1 car to and from the property = 2 equivalent car movements
1 truck to and from the property = 6 equivalent car movements
1 truck and trailer to and from the property = 10 equivalent car movements
Provided that a single residential dwelling is deemed to generate 8 equivalent car movements per day (ecm/d).
2 Sight distance (or vehicle intervisibility distance) to and from an access to enable safe vehicle turning manoeuvres. Refer to figure 8.1(a) for method to determine sight distance at a property access.
- The minimum spacing between adjacent property accesses as shown in figure 8.1(b) and specified in Table 8.9.1 shall be 7.5 metres for residential land use activities and 15 metres for all other land use activities.
- All activities with access onto a State Highway shall make sufficient provision for manoeuvring on site so that reverse manoeuvring onto the State Highway is not required.
8.9.3 Access to roads other than state highways.
1. Width of Vehicle Access Strips
Access strips shall not be less than the following widths in Urban zones:
- 3.5 metres to one rear lot
- 4.0 metres to two or three rear lots
- 5.0 metres to four or more rear lots
Access strips shall not be less than 6 metres width to all lots in the Rural zone.
2. Location of Vehicle Crossings
Vehicle access shall be a minimum of 50 metres from any intersection in the Rural zone. Where the road frontage of any site in the Rural Zone lies entirely within 60 metres of any intersection the access shall be located within 12 metres of the side boundary of the side furthest from the intersection.
These distances shall be measured above the road boundary of the site to the (extension of the) nearest road boundary of the intersecting road.
In all other zones no part of a crossing shall be closer than 6m to a street corner.