Part 5 sets out the detailed rules for implementation of the objectives and policies contained in Parts 3 and 4 of the Plan. Five policy units have been identified within the District. Four are urban, recognising existing settlements and in some cases allowing for their expansion.
The town of Hokitika is a separate policy unit in recognition of its size, character and importance as a focal point for the District. Most remaining settlements are grouped into either the Tourist, Coastal or Small Settlement Policy Units. Non-urban or rural areas of the District fall into the Rural Policy Unit.
The Rural Policy unit covers the entire rural area. About 90% of the rural area is managed for conservation purposes primarily by the Department of Conservation although this does not further inhibit the use of conservation land which will be primarily managed through Conservation Management Strategies.
Within each policy unit specific rules and standards relate to different zones. The standards determine the status of activities against the Plan provisions.
Accordingly the structure of each section of this part of the Plan takes the following forms:
a Description of Zone(s)
Each policy unit is described in terms of extent, location and general characteristics, including current land use. The overall management philosophy (reflecting the objectives and policies in Parts 3 and 4 of the Plan) is also outlined.
a Specific Zones
The rules for each zone are set out, including the standards for permitted, controlled and discretionary activities. Tables should be read in conjunction with the accompanying explanation. In assessing any application or proposal the rules contained in Parts 6, 7 and 8 of the Plan (General Rules) will also need to be considered.