Financial Contribution for Land Use and Subdivision Consents
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7.7.1 Upgrading of roads
Circumstances and purposes
- To meet the needs of extra traffic likely to be generated by the land use or subdivision, and to provide for the needs of road users where existing roads are of inadequate width formation or construction to cater for the increased usage caused by the land use or subdivision, upgrading of roads (including footpaths and street lighting) adjacent to the land use or subdivision may be required.
Maximum Amount
(a) 50% of the upgrading works required to meet the required standard to make roading suitable for increased traffic including, where appropriate, the cost of forming the road and acquiring and vesting any land as road for widening purposes.
(b) 50% of the cost of the work required for newly created separate frontages, kerb and channel, berms, footpaths, crossings and street lighting.
7.7.2 Access and New Roads
Circumstances and purposes
- To provide suitable formed access to the site from a formed road or proposed formed road. Where access cannot be achieved from existing formed roads, new roads may be required.
Maximum Amount
- The full cost of providing suitable formed access to the site. Access to the State Highway is to be formed to Transit New Zealand's specifications and carparks designed to avoid vehicles reversing onto the State Highway and arterial and collector routes, except for residential activities. Where one or more new roads are required, the full actual cost of constructing the new road, including the cost of the vesting in the Council of the necessary land for the road. Reciprocal rights of way in urban areas are to be sealed.
7.7.3 Sewerage
Circumstances and purposes
- To maintain the health and amenity of inhabitants or occupants and to protect the natural environment from indiscriminate and harmful disposal of sewage where new allotments, sites and buildings are intended for human habitation or occupation.
Maximum amount
- Where a sewerage system is available and has adequate capacity for meeting the proposed additional sewage, the full actual cost of connecting the allotments or buildings to that sewerage system. Where the design capacity of the system is likely to need to be upgraded as a result of the subdivision a contribution of up to 50% towards the upgrading of the system may be required. Where a sewerage system is not available, the full actual cost of disposal, including design and investigation, acquiring sufficient land for on-site disposal of effluent likely from activities on the site, and the cost of increasing the capacity if necessary, together with the full actual cost of providing sewerage within the subdivision or buildings.
7.7.4 Drainage
Circumstances and purposes
- To prevent damage and loss of property and amenity from the indiscriminate and uncontrolled run-off of stormwater where new allotments, roads and/or other impervious surfaces are created by subdivision or land use and create a need for extra stormwater disposal.
Maximum amount
- Where a piped outfall is available, the full actual cost of reticulation control structures within the subdivision or land use. Where a piped outfall is not available or the capacity of an existing system is inadequate, the full actual cost of providing for the disposal of stormwater and increasing the capacity if necessary, together with the full actual cost of reticulation and control structures within the subdivision or building.
7.7.5 Supply of Potable Water
Circumstances and purposes
- To provide a potable supply of water for human consumption, (complying with the NZ Standard for Drinking Water) for industrial and commercial activities, or for fire fighting and irrigation where proposed allotments, sites or buildings are intended for human habitation or occupation.
Maximum amount
- Where a piped water supply is available and sufficient to meet the needs of the proposed activity, the full actual cost of providing all the necessary reticulation to serve the proposed allotments, sites and buildings. Where no supply is available, or the capacity of the supply is inadequate, the full actual cost of providing a supply and increasing the capacity if necessary, together with the cost of reticulation within the subdivision or land use.
7.7.6 Supply of Electricity
Circumstances and purposes
- To ensure that all proposed allotments, sites and buildings intended for human habitation and/or occupation can be supplied with electricity.
Maximum amount
- The full actual cost of providing the supply underground to and within the subdivision or buildings.
7.7.7 Telephone Links
Circumstance and purposes
- To ensure that all proposed allotments, sites and buildings intended for human habitation and/or occupation are able to be connected to a telephone system.
Maximum amount
- The full actual costs of providing telephone links to and within the subdivision or buildings.
7.7.8 Earthworks
Circumstances and purposes
- To provide safe and adequate building areas and road access, stormwater control, land stability; to enable better utilisation of land, where the subdivision or land use involves recontouring land to create roading services, site design and building areas; and to ensure that earthworks do not adversely affect significant natural habitats, indigenous vegetation, ecosystems, landscapes and natural features.
Maximum amount
- The full actual cost of carrying out the earthworks to the appropriate standard, retaining significant areas where required. The full actual cost of clearing, cleaning, filling or compacting land in order to mitigate the effects of former activities and make the site suitable for its proposed activity.
7.7.9 Landscaping or Planting
Circumstances and purposes
- To reduce the adverse effects of land clearance and/or recontouring, enhance amenities and improve land stability where earthworks and/or land clearance or development have removed existing vegetation, or where replanting and landscaping will enhance existing amenities and reduce adverse impacts.
Maximum amount
- The full actual cost of carrying out the landscaping.
7.7.10 Fencing or Screening
Circumstances and purposes
- To minimise any adverse effects where a subdivision or land use may impact on heritage features, conservation areas or on important landscapes or public vistas/views or for screening between different activities or between Management Areas.
Maximum amount
- The full actual costs of carrying out the fencing or screening.
7.7.11 Protection of Natural Areas and Significant Landscapes
Circumstances and purposes
- To ensure protection of significant natural areas and significant landscapes where subdivision occurs and/or land use consent is sought. (The criteria in 4.8 and 4.9 shall be considered in determining these areas).
Maximum amount
- A condition may be imposed requiring natural areas and/or significant landscape features to be set aside (an amount not exceeding the equivalent amount calculated under 7.7.12) and protected, for example, by means of a covenant and/or fencing.
7.7.12 Contribution Towards Recreation Facilities
Circumstances and purposes
- To upgrade public recreational facilities and reserves for public recreation and enjoyment where a subdivision results, or will result, in additional housing or commercial or industrial activities either in the urban or rural policy units. The level of contribution is set in recognition of the existing level of subdivision and the amount of funding required to upgrade recreational facilities.
Maximum amount
- A percentage figure published in the Annual Plan not exceeding 5% of the value of each new allotment or the value of 4,000m2 of each new allotment, whichever is the lesser, with a minimum and a maximum charge each stated in the Annual Plan. Allotments has the meaning in s218 of the Act and includes those created by cross lease.
7.7.13 Esplanade Reserves and Esplanade Strips
Purpose and circumstances in relation to land use consents:
- To protect conservation values on riparian and coastal margins and associated water quality and aquatic habitats.
- To ensure public access is maintained to and along water bodies where a proposed land use may reduce the ability to gain public access or where access is not currently available.
- To ensure recreational opportunities near water bodies are not lost where the proposed land use may reduce those opportunities or to provide recreational opportunities where these are not currently available.
Maximum amount
- The full actual costs of vesting or contributing a reserve or strip of not greater than 20 metre width including the value of the land or interest in land and the costs of survey and conveyancing.
7.7.14 Cash in Lieu of Carparking
Purpose and circumstances in relation to land use consents:
- To supply cash for carparking spaces in the near vicinity of sites in the Commercial Core Zone, Industrial/Commercial Zone or Tourist Zone where off-street parking requirements cannot be met.
Maximum amount
- The current market value of 35m2 of land in the zone per parking or loading space required by the vehicle parking standards of the plan.