A. Buildings, places and items of significant historic, cultural or scientific interest and their relationship with places in Westland District should be preserved and maintained.
B. The re-use of historic buildings and incorporation of heritage buildings features and/or sites into future developments which are planned on the same site or location shall be encouraged.
C. Activities within historic buildings should generally be in accordance with the zoning requirements, but in recognition of the building's value, where a different activity will help preserve the building, special consideration should be given. Such applications are likely to be more favourably considered than would otherwise be the case.
D. The protection of waahi tapu, taonga and urupa within Westland District shall be encouraged.
a. The Council will support the work of the New Zealand Historic Places Trust and other groups such as Heritage Hokitika working to conserve buildings of merit.
b. The Council will work with tangata whenua in identifying and protecting waahi tapu, taonga and urupa within Westland District.
c. The Council will promote awareness of the values of historic buildings and places in Westland.
d. Historic places of significant merit have been included in the Plan and rules developed to ensure that applications for resource consent are required in advance of any modification.
e. The Council will consider public works (such as street improvements) aimed at enhancing heritage through its Annual Plans.
f. The Council will consider imposing heritage orders where buildings of significant historical merit are under threat.
g. The Council has established a Schedule of Heritage Items included in Appendix A to this Plan. This appendix includes buildings registered under the Historic Places Act 1993, items of local significance, recorded archaeological sites and waahi tapu identified by the tangata whenua.
Explanation / Reasons
Buildings, structures, trees and other sites or places which have significant historical components, contribute to the amenities and character of Westland and to the enjoyment of residents and tourists. Historic places and buildings provide a sense of cultural identity and a link with the past.
Sites of cultural significance to tangata whenua may be included in silent files. Consultation with tangata whenua on relevant resource consent applications will provide the opportunity for cultural concerns about land to be considered.
The District Council is a Heritage Protection Authority under the Act. Heritage orders will be considered where the Council believes them to be necessary to protect places. If confirmed, heritage orders will be included in the District Plan without any further formality.
All archaeological sites (both recorded and unrecorded) are protected under the Historic Places Act 1993 and the consent of the Trust is required before any work can be undertaken on these sites.
Anticipated Environmental Outcomes
Implementation of the above policies and parent objectives are expected to achieve the following outcomes:
I Recognition and provision of heritage and cultural values into the decision making process.
II Protection of significant cultural and heritage sites, places and buildings throughout the District.
III Increased community awareness of heritage and cultural values in Westland.