You are here: Welcome > Part 2 > Issues crossing territorial boundaries
2.6.1 Issues straddling district boundaries
The characteristics of natural and physical resources are such that the management issues which relate to them may not necessarily be confined to one district. However the Council envisages that there will be very few issues which fall into this category within Westland District with the possible exception of the proposed Haast Hollyford Road. In this and any other possible future cases, appropriate consultation procedures will be set in place and the option of joint hearings involving the affected District Councils will be considered. Other than the above, specific provision for addressing such issues is not provided for in the Plan.
2.6.2 Issues with District and Regional interest
It is likely that some issues will be of concern to both the District Council and the Regional Council and that some functions may overlap. In the situations where resource consents are required from both authorities, liaison will take place and where issues are best resolved in one forum, joint hearings will be held. No transference of functions has been proposed between the Regional Council and the Westland District Council and therefore the Councils will be guided as to their functions by the Act.