Angles for recession planes shall vary with the direction or bearing of
each site boundary according to the diagram set out in D.2 below. They
shall commence at points 2.5 m above internal site boundaries for all
The recession plane angle shall be calculated by orienting both site
plan and relevant diagram to the true north, placing the recession
diagram over the site plan with the circle tangential to the inside of
the site boundary under consideration. The recession plane angle shall
be that indicated by the diagram at the point where it touches the site
boundary. Where recession lines fall between those indicated on the
diagram, interpolations shall be made. On irregular boundaries the same
principles shall apply with the recession operating at right angles to
all parts of the boundary line.
The level of site boundaries shall be measured from filled ground level
except where there is an existing building at a lower level on the
other side of a common boundary, where that lower level shall be